We would like to share our three week EPIC cycling ADVENTURE of over 1500 miles from Fort Collins, Colorado to Carnation, Washington with you. We leave August 29th and arrive in Carnation on Monday, September 22.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Day 17-18

We're in Washington! And here's the picture to prove it. I tried to get Terry but only got a fraction of her front tire. I was at the side of a very busy bridge crossing the Snake River and there was no shoulder.

The past two days took us into the hills of Idaho. We got on top and noticed a hay barn. Actually Rhett beat us to the top and was sitting in the shade. Here's a picture of Rhett and his mom.

We had a milestone yesterday. We rode our 1000th mile. I caught the odometer at 999.99.

Today was a tough 95 miles. Many hills and the toughest was climbing out of the Snake River Canyon near Clarkston up to Pomeroy. Then we rode cross country, literally, to a secluded campground on the Tucannon River about 13 miles southwest of Pomeroy. Tomorrow we're off to Walla Walla where we have a rest day planned.

Hope to see some of you on Swerve-n-Curve this weekend.


campbells said...

Way to go guys - back in Washington! See you in Sunnyside!

beller said...

Love the pictures and blogging! What an adventure!

The corn is taller than ever; the elk are back; the kitties are fat; plants are still green; and the lawn will be freshly mowed!

I miss my neighbors!!! Love U!